Learn to Use the Most Powerful Creative Deal-Making Tool in Real Estate, Hands-On…

Saturday, July 27th, 8 a.m.- 12 p.m. Central ONLINE Learn to Use the Most Powerful Creative Deal-Making Tool in Real Estate, Hands-On…

You NEED to know how to use a financial calculator to do things in real estate ranging from negotiating great seller financing to figuring out how much you’ll owe when a balloon payment comes due.

If you’ve ever wondered why your most experienced successful investor friends always have one within reach, and can always make what seem like really complicated calculations in just seconds, you know what we mean…

This hands-on workshop is the best way to learn to do that, and it included a downloadable workbook and the recording for your real estate education library!

Get the details and register HERE.

Online Webinar: 7 Figure Real Estate Assembly Line

Join us for an exclusive event that will transform your approach to real estate investing!

Hosted by Damon Remy, CEO of REI BlackBook, this special training will reveal how you can implement the groundbreaking 7-Figure REI Deal Assembly Line in real estate, inspired by none other than the automotive innovator, Henry Ford.

What to Expect:

Unveil The Assembly Line: From Lead Generation to Disposition, discover the systems that can streamline your real estate investments into a fine-tuned assembly line.

Inside you’ll discover…  

  • How to generate consistent leads & predictable deal flow every month
  • The 7 figure follow-up process to triple the number of deals you close without spending an extra dime on marketing
  • The little-known customer journey hack that 80% of REI overlook (this is the secret that turns unaware sellers into closed deals within a couple of months)
  • Customizable & scalable growth strategies that give you a clear direction on how to build a 7 figures REI business no matter the niche (it’s plug & play and accelerates your growth)
  • The 7 systems every REI should automate if they want to a business that brings in the dollar while they take time off (this is how top REI work less but make more)

Secure your spot now and start turning your real estate operations into a 7-Figure Assembly Line. Register Here – https://www.reintn.org/OnlineWebinar

Saturday, July 13th ONLINE

Our Members Who are Making Profitable Deals Are Doing 2 Things You Might Not Be… And You Can Learn Both of Them In this Online Masterclass….


1. Finding off-market deals

2. Exploring less-competitive asset classes, like land

And we’ve rounded up one of the most successful, experienced investors in the country to show you how to do BOTH of those, for not very much money.

It’ll be a day that’s VERY profitable for you…go HERE to get the details and register.

Main Event – Advanced Creative Deal Structuring in a Changing Market

Main Event 

5:00 Free light dinner and Networking in the Round: Table Topic Discussions 

5:30 Break Out Sessions
Ask The Pro 
Real Estate 101
New Member Orientation

6:20 Guest Session – a “Must Attend” for non-member Guests.

Advanced Creative Deal Structuring in a Changing Market 

 Heard the phrase, The cheese has moved?

 Last year, home values were skyrocketing, rent rates were through the roof, and short-term rentals were 100% occupied.  My, the difference a year can make!

 Today, home values are leveling off, rental rates are coming down, and too many short-term rentals are sitting vacant.  Obviously, the cheese is on the move.

 What do we do?   Do we play like Chicken Little and run for cover?  Or do we recognize this for what it is: a great time to pick up our creative-deal-structuring toolboxes and go out and find people to help and problems to solve?

 If you started investing in real estate after 2012, creative deal making may be a foreign concept.  It’s likely the only tool in your deal-structuring toolbox is the proverbial Big Hammer…you know, a 70-cent-on-the-dollar-all-cash offer.

 Ever wondered about all the other ways an offer can be creatively constructed?  Creatively funded?  Creatively held?  Creatively exited?

 Have you ever done a Pure Option Deal?  What about a Performance Master Lease with an Option kicker?  A Subject-to Deal?  How much success have you had with getting owner financing?  Ever foreclosed on yourself?

 At July’s monthly REIN meeting you’ll see these five creative-deal-making tools in action plus several other deal making tools at work.

 And the information keeps getting better: You’ll see the fastestcheapest and most effective way to get face-to-face with sellers and make written offers.

 Speaking of offers, have you ever seen a Teeter-totter or T-bar offer?  You will at July’s meeting!

 Bill Cook will not waist a single minute of your valuable time.  You’ll  leave with a clearer understanding of why creative deal structuring is a language of its own.      

 To learn more about this event, go to REIN’s website: REINTN.net 

 To learn more about Bill and Kim Cook, go to:  
  Website: BillandKimCook.com 

 Facebook: Bill and Kim Cook 

 YouTube Chanel: Bill and Kim Cook 

 We look forward to answering your how-do-you-do-that questions!   

ONLINE – Commercial Properties Workshop

Saturday, June 15th 8 a.m.- 3 p.m. Central

Thinking About Getting Into
Commercial Property Investing?
Do This First…

Commercial Property Investing is a hot topic right now.
If you’ve been tempted to explore it, but not sure where to start, we’ve got
This online workshop guides you through the concepts, profit centers,
important numbers, and explores how small investors can get into big deals in
commercial property.
It’s also cheap, satisfaction guaranteed, and you’ll even get the recordings
afterward for your education library.
Go HERE to find out more about why you NEED to be there, and to register.