REIN’s Real Estate Investing EXPO Event – FREE!

Join us for REIN’s Annual Grand EXPO Event!

DATE: Monday, December 9th
TIME: 4:00 – 7:00 PM
LOCATION: Woodmont Hills Church
WHAT TO BRING: Bring your business cards! Use them to enter drawings, giveaways, and for networking to make more deals! Bring a friend, this event is too good to miss!

– FREE Door Prizes, enter just by showing up!
– Over 100 Prizes given away throughout the night
– 2 Grand Prizes Winners! 
– Food, music, and fun! Oh did we mention real estate? Get ready to meet some of the top investors in Nashville!

You’re invited to join us Monday, December 9th for REIN’s annual Real Estate Investing EXPO! Find out where the big dogs in Middle Tennessee real estate got their start, with REIN of course! Come meet the highly recommended vendors you’ll need to get to the next level, or get your business launched. Network with the top players and investors in the real estate game and enjoy some festive fun!

Our annual event is THE place to meet the best vendors in the region, and the nation, to build and grow your investment business to higher, more profitable levels. Two grand prize drawings at 7:00 PM, plus nearly 100 other prize giveaways – your chances of winning are excellent – just for showing up. (But you must be present to win) REIN works to bring high-level connections together through strategic networking opportunities. Don’t miss out on this unique event where the best in the business are brought to you.

Get a chance to meet with celebrity investors, featuring professionals in new construction, rehabbing, property management, contracting, lending and networking. Get hooked up with everyone you need from your flooring guy to your next big lender. Meet the men and women who make real estate investors successful. Trades. Products. Services. Funds. Tangible and intangibles to keep your business blowing and growing. Bid on exclusive real estate investing packages not offered to the public at our silent auction. Grab a friend and come to Nashville’s Real Estate Investing EXPO Event!

Estate Planning for Real Estate Entrepreneurs Online Intensive

Saturday, November 16th, ONLINE 09 a.m.- 03 p.m. Central

We Don’t Like to Talk About it,

But We HAVE TO Talk About it:

Your Estate Plan Needs Your Attention NOW.

No one wants to think about their death, but for real estate entrepreneurs, it’s absolutely irresponsible the leave your poor heirs with a mess of assets (Properties! Notes! Options! LLCs! IRAs! Partnerships!) that they don’t understand, can’t easily deal with, and may have to spend years untangling when you’re gone.

That’s why we’re holding an online estate planning class specifically for real estate entrepreneurs like you, to lay out the path to passing on your hard-earned assets to the people (and causes) you love with the minimum possible taxes, fees, and, most importantly, hassle.

From the role of trusts and directives to simple things you to do to make sure your heirs even understand what they’ve inherited, this online intensive has it ALL…

…And yes, you’ll get the recordings, too, because you’ll want to listen over and over. Check out the amazing agenda, the experienced presenter, and the early registration bonuses and register HERE.

In-Person Main Event: Get Mentored Night

Main Event 

5:00 Free light dinner and Networking in the Round: Table Topic Discussions 

5:30 Break Out Sessions
Ask The Pro 
Real Estate 101
New Member Orientation

6:25 Invitation only Guest Session

6:55 Get Mentored Night!


Monday, November 11th IN PERSON

Your Night to Get Mentored by
Experienced Members

PHP: 1 hour insurance, 1.5 hours elective (What’s this?)

          At our in-person Main Event meetings, we love to bring you LOCAL experts and
information that just can’t be duplicated online.

          At November’s meeting, we’re doing that by getting you face-to-face with our
experienced local members for some great real estate investing advice and mentoring.

          You KNOW you benefit from the advice and life experience of more seasoned investors,
especially in a market as wonky as this one is.

          We’re giving you the chance to meet those experienced experts, and ask them your ‘big
picture’ questions, or even bring a deal that you’re working on to have them give their opinion.

          You’ll have the chance to sit with these mentors in small groups and make connections you
want; you’ll have the chance to hang with at least 5 different experts on different topics during
the course of the evening.

          If you’ve been intimidated by the success and knowledge of these folks (or just didn’t know
who to go to for what questions), this is your chance to pick their brains in an easy, structured
atmosphere where THAT’S WHY THEY’RE THERE!

          (If you’re more experienced yourself, how about showing up to BE a mentor for the night? After
all, someone helped you when you got started…pass it on!)

          Members and first-time guests attend free; repeat guests are $35 (and for real, it’s cheaper to
just join HERE and get ALL the benefits of membership than it is to keep paying that guest fee);
register below to reserve your seat!

Should You Be Investing In, Or Flipping, CONDOS? Yep. Find Out Why (and How) on the 26th.

Saturday, October 26th 8 a.m.- 12 p.m. Central ONLINE WORKSHOP

Yes, we know that you don’t know ANYONE who pursues condos and co-ops as investments.

Which is exactly why you SHOULD.

But not before you understand basic things like which ones make good investments and flips, how to analyze them (yes, it’s different than other residential properties), how to get money to buy them, and all the other import things about how to make them profitable.

This online workshop will get you started in 4 short hours; go HERE to find out more about why you should be there, and to register.

For Creative Finance Fans… Next Level Creative Finance Techniques!

Saturday, October 12th 8 a.m.- 3 p.m. Central ONLINE WORKSHOP

When you’ve studied all the ‘usual’ creative ways to buy properties—owner carry backs, subject to, and private loans—and you’re ready for even more problem-solving, money-making strategies, you’re ready for this class.

It digs into more exotic (and often, even more profitable) techniques like wrap loans, equity sharing loans, lease/options, and pure options.


Go HERE to find out more about why you should be there, and to register.